The Story


The protagonist lets call him the "Prototypist" is haunted by regret. In search of a second chance, Prototypist creates a vessel and an AI with which he can attempt to navigate and connect to the multiverse where all possible outcomes exist. Will he find her? Will things be different in that multiverse? Are we victims of Fate and doomed to repeat the same mistakes? Can we ever go back?

It's a typical burning man tale of heartbreak and regret, and a Yearning for a second chance

The story will be projected into the orbs of the sculpture, and will be depicted through animation.

Sometimes art is deeply personal

Repetition of themes is also a feature of my art.

Journey to Burning Man

Inspiration for the story involves things that transpire while traveling to burning man, and are repeated later at loveburn.

The story begins in a small and intimate space

Things from which different outcomes are possible occur in a small enclosed volume

Which inspires the art to be created with a similar intimate space

A setting in an intimate space in a desolate landscape is how this story is imagined


First draft for a storyboard for what happens in our universe. Mood upon which the other multiverses are based off of. The new story is an abstracted sci-fi version of some of these themes.

Character study

The multiverse characters have different styles and clothing, but nevertheless might fit in at burning man.


Android lady breaks


This is the camper in which the characters share space, and take a voyage

Why tell such a story where the characters end up unsatisfied?

There is healing in art. People have moments in their lives where they experience unsatisfactory outcomes. Sometimes those outcomes result in growth later. Hopefully the growth comes for everyone involved, but not always


Could a multiverse offer other solutions? We think so.